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Songs and books for the teaching of letter B

Almost forgot about this segment! Hehe...

Here are a couple of songs to sing for the teaching of the letter B:
Here are some other songs that you can try too.

And books that I've read to Alicia include "The Three Bears" and "Snowbear's Surprise". Basically just pick up any book that centres around any B-related words that have been taught! :)


The letter C - collage cum word-pic matching game

I finally stuck the velcro onto the pieces yesterday and here's how the collage looks like upon completion... all ready for my little one!:

*Hop over to Simply Mommie's Precious Handmades to view this learning aid and other interesting learning aids! :)*

My cutie-pie fiddling with the components of the collage last night:

Anyway, she seems to love some of the pictures... I have been unable to find where she hid the pic of the cherries... she was so in love with it last night and kept bringing it around with her... now I can't find it! Sigh. Anyway, other pictures she loves are the cookies (she pretends to munch on them), the car (she goes "嘟嘟") and the comb (she pretends to comb her hair with it).

The criteria for the choice of words that make up this collage:
(i) common everyday words that begin with the letter C
(ii) includes all the different sounds of the letter C (/k/ as in caterpillar, /s/ as in cymbals, /tʃ/ as in cherries).

C for Clown!

Here's what I made for Alicia for the teaching of the letter C:

You can obtain the template from here. What I did was to print out the coloured template, cut out the shapes then laminate them. Next, attach the main body of the clown to the toilet paper roll using scotch tape and the attach the rest of the pieces together using velcro so that Alicia can put the clown together (and of coz, take it apart). The final touches: draw the upper and lower case of the letter C on the stickers and stick it onto the body of the clown. Done! :D

Here's my darling playing with it:

You can view step-by-step instructions on how to make the clown here in an article I wrote for myplayschool. :)

The letter B Lapbook

Since we're officially moving on the letter C, I thought it's time to do up the letter B lapbook so that we can file the teaching materials up nicely and neatly. So here's how the letter B lapbook looks like:

This is the cover of the file: I cut out the upper and lower case of the letter B from her art work. This is one way in which to make use of all those pieces of art that are clogging up the house... lol. I like using her art work to decorate stuff... I feel that it gives a special touch. :D

Here's what's inside the file:

I couldn't fit in the pictures and words into one envelope so I have two envelopes for the word-pic matching game cum collage. There's also the bookmark which she painted which I've stored into a plastic holder which is stuck on the file. And there's that penguin-button game I made for her, stuck onto the file using velcro so that it can be removed anytime if she wants to play with it.

The butterfly toilet paper roll craft obviously can't fit into the lapbook so it's still sitting on my TV console... :D

And that's all for the letter B! :) Moving on!


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