Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers


Her first "DADDY"

"Dad" was the fourth word she said (20 May 09), followed by "Daddy" the next day. :D Does that count as two separate words? Hehe. I think soooo.... so I shall record it as such. Hahahahaha....

The word count:
1) ma
2) mummy
3) bye
4) dad
5) daddy

Of clapping and teething...

The first time Alicia showed off that she could clap and could clap on demand was on 9 May 09. :)

It so happened that on that same day, her first teeth cut through too!!!! After 3 weeks of troubled eating (and feeding), she finally got over her swollen gums as the first bits of her lower central incisors emerged!

The first wave and the first words

Alicia learnt how to wave bye-bye and showed it off for the first time on 4 May 09. She also learnt to say "bye" while waving and could wave on demand. :D

I believe "bye" is the third word she said, the first being "ma"! She said her first "ma" at 4mths and subsequently when she was 7mths, she said "mummy" four times though it was definitely non-specific. :) It wasn't a one-off calling of "mummy" so I'm sure she said it!

Words spoken (by 10mths):
1) ma
2) mummy
3) bye

The pincer grasp and the first self-feeding

Alicia mastered the pincer grasp and self-fed for the first time on 27 April 09.

I remember she picked up the Gerber star and put it into her mouth and was so pleased with herself. Hehehe. But I think I was happier than she was! :D I recall she was trying to pick up the star for a few days before that and didn't succeed. I thought it'd take a long while more before she could pick it up and self-feed but she was faster than I expected. :D

Sitting up

Another overdue post. :) And lots more coming up - I try to update the blog whenever I can...

The first time she sat up on her own from a lying down position was on 9 March 2009.

And the next day, she sat up another three times on her own.

I remember her amazement at herself when it happened. It was written all over her little chubby face then. :) And whenever she managed to sit up on her own, she'd look at me for approval. hehehe...

I'm really glad to be able to have the privilege to be a sahm, to watch every little milestone that Alicia reaches! :P

JG PlayClub (17/2/10)

Alicia wasn't her usual self today - both at class and at home. She kept fussing and throwing tantrums and really tested my patience. Even her teachers noticed that she was in a bad mood today. But of course, no one really knows why. And she can't express herself well enough yet to tell us what's up with her today.

Anyway, I think it's a generally bad day for me today. The cab driver who took us to JG was a really rude, grumpy man who never once smiled or greeted us or said any niceties at all throughout the trip and even at the end of the trip. And he glared at Alicia and threw her a disgusted glance when she made a little bit of noise in the cab. And he kept grumbling how he may be made to pay the parking charge for driving into JGC even though I reassured him that there was a 10-min grace period and I'm certainly not gonna take that long to get out of his cab - I definitely wanted to alight as soon as I could! Who could possibly face such a grumpy man any longer than necessary?

Oh well. During today's lesson, Alicia was naughtier than usual, though she did help to keep the toys and the toy tray. She just didn't sit as still as usual during story-telling time and even fussed when I tried to seat her nicely in my lap! And when the teacher asked her to go collect her funpass, she refused to go forward and made a scene even. Sigh.

During art time, she again, for reasons unknown to me, started to throw tantrums. She insisted on sitting on one of the teachers' lap instead of moving to the next station to complete the next art piece. And when she finally completed the second task, she refused to go and wash her hands. I was really tired out by her silly tantrums and she definitely was trying to test her limits today!

Here's her art work for the day. This week's theme is "Circle" so they made a 'clock' and a 'watermelon'...

The paint for the watermelon was still wet when it was time to go home so it stuck to the clock... that explains the yellowish bits of paper on the 'watermelon'... hehe.

My little painter

Recently Alicia really loves to paint...

Look at that serious expression on her face:

I love mixing colours and fingerpainting!

On the third day of new year...

On the third day of new year, we went to my mum's place for dinner and also to my uncle's house just across the road. Here's Alicia in her third CNY suit, stuffing her face with fruit after dinner:

And here's the pretty jelly my uncle gave!

My little Tigger

On the second day of new year, my Korean beauty evolved into a little Tigger:

My cheeky little Tigger

And she was exceptionally grouchy too! Must be all the napping gone haywire!

Look at my Tigger roar!


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