What you need for the activity:
- A hanger with small pegs OR small pegs and some yarn
- small pieces of clothing (preferably your child's)
If using small pegs and yarn, tie the yarn to two chairs (or anything else that you can secure the string to) at your child's height.
For my activity, I used her burp cloths for the small items to be pegged.
Demonstrate how it is done then allow the child to have a go at it. Take it step by step: let the child press and release the peg a few times before starting to peg actual items.
Let me try...
Figuring out how it works
It actually requires quite some coordination to hold the item with one hand and peg with the other so don't be disheartened if your child can't do it this time - it may take a few more months before she's able to do it... and so I just let her practise either pressing the peg (while I hold the cloth in place) and vice versa.
Hmm... why can't I do it myself???
Once your child loses interest, you can move on to the next activity, and here's what I prepared for her:
Sock matching activity
For starters, just 3 pairs of different-patterned socks will do.
She expressed little interest in the activity and tried to wear the socks instead... :P
Then she decided that she wanted to hang up her dog:
Well, sometimes activities don't happen the way we want them to but that's life isn't it?
I'll just try my luck again next time! :P