Alicia has fallen in love with Youtube.
Hence, watching Youtube videos has become one of the most important sources of mealtime entertainment. Rather than frowning upon the whim of the modern day toddler, I choose to make the most out of it.
Here are the educational videos she's sooo in love with (I've provided the links too in case the embedded videos don't appear). Do be patient as the embedded videos take some time to appear.
(1) alphabets
alphabets (supersimplesongs)
(2) alphabet sounds
supersimplesongs alphabet sounds
(3) Songs featuring body parts:
The skeleton dance (teaches body parts, concept of left/right)
(4) The evergreen nursery rhymes
Incy Wincey spider:
Do you like the videos too? :)
lol these are the videos which i show jumpy during mealtimes too!